Toggle Renters + Auto: Best combo since PB&J

An ode to perfect combos. 

We don’t know who the first genius was to combine red and blue. Or hip-hop and country. Or give you a discount by combining your burger with your drink. But our hats are off to them! It was a combo! It brought two things together. And sometimes a combo makes things better than they would be on their own. That’s definitely the case when you combine the simple customizing powers of Toggle® Renters Insurance with the equally custom (but more underground) Toggle Auto.

Burger, Fries, and Drink on a Fast Food Meal Tray - Toggle InsurancePhoto by Christopher Williams on Unsplash

In this house we don’t bundle. We combo.

We’d like to point out that comparing the way Toggle does stuff to the way other auto insurance companies do things would be a lot like comparing trees to elephants. That’s right. We don’t compare. We combo over here, and we are proud of it. We make sure you know what you’re getting. We make it simple. We make it instantly customizable. We make it on demand. We make it as simple as going online and Toggling on coverage that fits your needs. Just like we do with apartment insurance, pet renters insurance, tech coverage and more.

Couple Eating Pizza in BedPhoto by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Combos are like BOGOs. They save money for you.

We’d like to thank all the fast-food restaurants for teaching everyone what the main benefit of the combo is all about. A burger, fries and a drink, all for one low price! Two tacos and potato thingies for only $4.99. You get it. We don’t have to spend a lot of time explaining it. All those late-night taco runs have prepared you for this moment. The Toggle Renters/Auto combo works the same way. You get renters insurance. You get car insurance. You get a discount. And who doesn’t love a discount? Especially when it’s a discount on the stuff you want.

Orange Volkswagen Van - Toggle Auto & Renters InsurancePhoto by Thomas Millot on Unsplash

You combo your apartment and car. Comboing your insurance is a great idea. 

Is “comboing” even a word? Probably not if you’re a classic dictionary purist. Definitely if you, like us, trust Urban Dictionary. We’re sure those legacy publishers are playing catch-up like always. And when they do, we bet their example sentence will go something like this:  “Jay will be right down to leave for the concert. He’s just online for a minute saving money by comboing his auto and renters insurance on Toggle.” The point is, if you rent an apartment and own (or lease) a car, by comboing with Toggle you can get quality affordable car insurance + quality affordable monthly renters insurance. So, you can save some of your hard-earned dollars. And use them, perhaps, for going out now that we’re going out again! You can do it all online with a few clicks. By yourself. With terms and conditions you can understand. Get it all taken care of at once. So now is the time to get down to comboing! It’s only going to take a few minutes and you’ll have everything comboed up and dialed in. (Just make sure to sign up for renters first to get that juicy combo discount on auto.)

House and Palm Tree Photo by Jose Rago on Unsplash

Wait, Toggle, I know your renters insurance is good. But can I trust your auto insurance? 

OK, excellent question! Let’s start here. When you have Toggle Renters Insurance you are comboing it with Toggle Auto Insurance featuring the backing of Farmers®, who has been covering cars and drivers since, basically, the beginning of time. Comprehensive Coverage, Collision Coverage, Liability Insurance, Temporary Ride Coverage, New Car Replacement, Side Hustle® Auto, even coverage for your Pet PassengerTM. You also have people to chat with when you need them and top-notch service when it comes to handling claims. So this is a little like asking, "Is affordable renters insurance legit?" You bet.

Volkswagen Bug on Cobblestone Street - Toggle Auto & Renters Insurance
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

You already know combos are better. So, combo!

Salty and sweet, macaroni and cheese (mmm… macaroni and cheese… best… combo… ever?), even oil and vinegar, which don’t mix but make a great combo when you turn them into salad dressing or put them on a submarine sandwich. Combos have a long, distinguished history of working out great. Our goal is to make the Renters and Auto Insurance Combo join the list of all the classics. And save you money.

Macaroni and Cheese - Toggle Auto & Renters InsurancePhoto by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

The information included in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional or expert advice. It is based on research and the collective experiences of the Toggle Team and has not been verified by any academic institutions, government organizations, or world-renowned scholars, but it does make a lot of sense and we do hope you find it useful.  We encourage you to use your own good judgment about what’s appropriate for you.

Links to third-party websites are provided for your convenience only. Toggle has not independently verified any of the information provided therein and makes no representations about the enduring accuracy of such information or any content.

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