The Toggle home sweet super-insured home

First of all, congratulations! If you bought a home, you just purchased pretty much the biggest thing you will ever own. Sure, it feels good, that moment when the real estate agent hands you the keys, but no sooner do you step over the threshold do you realize “I need to protect this thing.” Following right behind you, one of the most modern homeowners coverages available: from Toggle® Insurance, a part of the Farmers Insurance Group®.


We know that each homeowner's needs are as distinctive as their home, so we designed a variety of customizable coverages to reflect that. Nowadays, a standard homeowners insurance policy typically covers things like fire damage, hail damage and theft of your belongings. We do that, too, but as our name indicates, you can Toggle On℠ all kinds of features to fit your unique life.

Explanation of tiers of insurance

It all starts with a plan.

To customize your plan, you need to pick one first. Toggle has three: from Standard to Expanded to Premium, you can adjust your coverage limits to suit your needs. The Toggle Standard package is like a home insurance starter kit that helps you cover the basics. The Expanded package turns the dial up. Premium is the top-level package. It’s for those who want the extra coverage for whatever life throws at them.

Two Asian interior male contractor consult and examine at site house renovation with laptop and paper drawing.Personal Property Coverage.

Whether it's your wardrobe, furniture or family treasures, our Personal Property Coverage can provide coverage when a covered peril hits. If you’re not sure how much coverage to buy, it may be a good idea to get appraisals on family heirlooms like jewelry and art, which may be worth more than you think. Once you know the value, you can decide how much coverage you want.

clothes hanged on brown wooden cabinetPhoto by Sonia Sanmartin on Unsplash

Liability Coverage.

With up to $100,000 coverage for Standard policies and $500,000 for Premium, our Liability Coverage helps you keep your finances safe from the woes of claims against you. Liable, or legally responsible, could mean having to pay for things like when your child accidentally breaks a neighbor’s window while playing catch in the backyard—personal liability coverage can help pay for the property damage. 

 Asian woman friends lying on the bed in bedroom and watching movie or online shopping on smartphone together.

Additional living expenses.

If you suddenly need to vacate your home for qualifying reasons, we’ll help smooth things over and help keep you going with coverage for added living expenses, because your quality of life shouldn’t be sidelined by temporary setbacks. We know you might need a short-term rental to keep life moving.

Medical expenses.

Toggle doesn’t do medical insurance, but our home policies can help pay medical bills of guests accidentally hurt on your property, regardless of who is at fault.

1969 VW near tree in front of garagePhoto by John Paulsen on Unsplash

Separate structures.

That detached garage or fancy tool shed? We are sure you can appreciate that, if a tree from your yard falls on your shed due to a windstorm, you’re covered. We do not insure separate structures rented or held for rental to any person who is not a tenant of the dwelling, unless used solely as a private garage. These days, with all the side hustles going on, we should mention Toggle Home does not cover separate structures used for business, the storage of business property, or rented out for storage.

white ceramic toilet bowl near white ceramic sink with floral wallpaperPhoto by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

Extended home coverage.

This helps to increase your home coverage for covered losses in case the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home is higher than expected. This may occur, for example, when the price of local labor or materials rises, due to a catastrophic event.

Portrait of young African woman smiling at camera while sitting at the table with her mobile phone and eating holiday dinnerReplacement cost personal property.

This can help you pay to repair or replace your personal belongings after a covered loss, without deducting for depreciation of value. So if you have a home with brand-new EVERYTHING, you might want to consider this more closely so that you get the actual cost of the replacement in full. 

Farmers Insurance logoAnd the winner is: you.

Toggle has award-winning claims handling. Our team of caring professionals is here to help whenever you need it; with our 24/7 online services, filing a claim is easy and hassle-free. 

white and brown cat on macbook proPhoto by Semeon Hrozian on Unsplash

On the topic of being modern, of course: the home office? We have coverage for that.

The living room or the kitchen counter in your home might also be your new office, but fear not! Toggle Home has your back. Our policy can cover the equipment you need to work from home, even when your employer doesn’t. So go ahead, turn your home into the workspace of your dreams.

Home offices are nice, but what if you just remembered that your house also has a pool? Is there home insurance with pool coverage? Yes, Toggle coverage can also include coverage for your pool, so go ahead and put on the flip-flops.

One more thing, and it’s a trick question: Does homeowners insurance cover AC units? Yes, Toggle can cover equipment such as AC units if they are destroyed by a disaster such as a fire or hurricane or lightning damage. We don’t cover wear and tear, to be clear, so you can’t make a claim if your 20-year-old unit takes a dive.

brown and white dog sitting under white hutPhoto by Cole Keister on Unsplash

Pet parents, rejoice!

We know that pets are family, and we can help you get the four-legged members of your household covered too. Toggle Home insurance offers help with boarding and vet costs should your family need to vacate the home.

Watch for falling deductibles.

Each year you renew your Toggle Home policy, and you haven’t made any claims, there’s a reward. For every year you’re a Toggle Home customer, we’ll add $50 to a Declining Deductible balance that can be used to reduce your deductible amount at the time of a claim. 

Illuminated dollar sign stackedPhoto by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Even more DISCOUNTS? Saving samurai, please read now.

You become eligible for the Claims Free Discount if you have not had a chargeable homeowners claim in the past 12 months (benefit may vary by state). So set your calendar reminder for that joyous event. If you didn’t already get a discount for fire protection, water protection, and theft protection devices installed in your home, you might be eligible for a discount—just ask. If you were already a Toggle Renters policyholder for at least one year and in good standing, you will get a discount just for being in the family. Other things that could trigger nice discounts are being loyal to us, bundling with Toggle Auto or paying in full via the Preferred Payment Plan Discount. So there are a number of great ways to lower insurance costs.

Mature father with small son sitting on sofa indoors, taking a funny selfie.

Festival of homeowners insurance FAQs. 

Question: How about this: Does homeowners insurance cover tree damage? Your Toggle Home policy can provide coverage for your home and other structures, such as a fence or shed, against specific causes of loss, known as “perils.” Covered perils typically include damage caused by wind, but the situation that caused the tree to fall is important. If the tree was otherwise healthy and damaged your home because of wind, it could be covered. Homeowners insurance usually won't cover damage caused by negligence or a maintenance-related issue such as letting the tree go to rot. Insurance probably would not cover the damage the tree caused to your home if the thing was ready to fall over before the wind got up. If a tree falls but there’s no damage, insurance typically won’t cover tree removal either. As always, check your specific policy to see what is and is not covered. 

Does homeowners insurance cover a water heater? The Toggle Home policy typically covers damage to a water heater, if it’s the result of a covered event, such as a fire or explosion.

Stylish white kitchenPhoto by roam in color on Unsplash

Does homeowners insurance cover appliances? Toggle Home can help cover appliances when a covered peril, such as a fire or theft, causes damage to it. This knowledge will really help you as we start to explain more about what you can Toggle On to your homeowners coverage.

a house with a green roof and white shutters

Now that we have you thinking, you might be really needing coverage that extends beyond the basics. Toggle offers just that with a suite of specialized coverages.

African American woman reading a book on the couch with the library bookshelves in the back.Home sharing.

If you decide to rent out all or part of your home, this coverage ensures your insurance doesn't take a vacation when your guests check in. Be sure to Toggle On this coverage to your main policy. 

Water backup & sump overflow.

This coverage helps pay for water damage in the case of backed-up drains or sewers. 

Woman sitting on a stool, overlaid with projection of red textPhoto by Joshua Gandara on Unsplash

Cyber & identity shield.

In the unfortunate event of identity theft or a cyber event, Toggle can help you cover those expenses along with possible lost wages. Your coverage also lets you monitor your credit through a program with CyberScoutTM.

Building ordinance.

Toggle Home can help cover additional costs of home repair or rebuilding as a result of having to bring your property up to current code requirements. We have found that these sorts of policies change every year in some areas, so it’s really good to think about this coverage.

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From the paint on your walls to your pets, Toggle can cover a wide range of aspects of being a homeowner. Whether it's the extras that make your policy fit just the way you want it, or the big choices that give you peace of mind, we're here to ensure your home insurance can help. After all, it’s not just a house—it’s your story. 

Once you have quoted and signed up with Toggle, we are here to let you know how to file a homeowners insurance claim. And if you are curious about how long home insurance claims take, we got you covered, no pun intended. If you want any tips outside of insurance, we have a lot of ideas on how your home can work for you to be a happier place in this blog.

*Please note: Each scenario and insurance coverage is assessed on an individual basis. A claims adjuster will work with you to determine the coverage when the time arrives. Each example in this blog is subject to change and to be reviewed by Toggle Insurance; they are situational in an effort to educate about homeowners insurance.

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