So you’ve got your own place. Got yourself a good job. You’ve kept the plants alive (so far). And lately, you’ve started browsing pet finders, lurking around the animal shelter and yearning for the pitter-patter of little paws around the place. Or the skitter-scat of little claws, the flippy-flap of wings or whatever sound reptiles make on floors. In short, you’re thinking that yours is a happy, loving home, and it might be time to adopt a pet.
If you’re still on the fence, please allow us to talk you into it.
Pets provide purpose.
Living a life of complete spontaneity might seem like the stuff Instagram-influenced dreams are made of, but the truth is, we humans thrive on structure. Conveniently, pets both require their own structure and provide some for us.
Dogs, in particular, need scheduled feeding and exercise. In turn, they drag our butts out of bed in the morning and expect us home at a decent hour in the evening. They also force us outside a couple of times a day, rain or shine. You do it for them, but the healthful benefits of that structure are yours to share.
And it’s not just dogs. All living things require regular food and attention — it’s a responsibility. And believe it or not, responsibility is better for you than kale.
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
Pets make great pals. But they won’t replace people.
Everybody knows pets make great companions. They don’t talk, they don’t steal food from the fridge, they’re always super pumped to see you and when they snuggle, it’s never weird afterward. If they could help pay the rent, they’d be practically perfect.
But contrary to conventional wisdom, scientific studies show pets are not a cure-all for feelings of loneliness. More specifically, getting a dog or cat won’t provide a substitute for human support. However, pets do seem to reduce levels of loneliness in people with already-high levels of human support. What does that mean? Well, while pets provide plenty of emotional support — love and affection — humans need other kinds of support as well — support only other humans can provide. For example, you can talk to your pet about your problems if you like, but psychologically speaking, it’s just not the same.
So if you’re living alone and you think a pet will make great company, you’re absolutely right. If, however, you’re depending on a pet to be your literal best friend, you might be putting too much pressure on the relationship. More things about adulting besides getting a pet can be found here.
Pet people find pet people.
We all know the cliché about the guy who uses his dog to meet women. But the truth is, pets really are a great social lubricant (and a lot healthier than beer). Pet owners already share an affinity, and that gives even strangers a very valid excuse to engage in conversation without an agenda.
Think of it this way: You meet someone with a pet, you already know a little bit about them and that little bit is pretty endearing — they care about something beyond themselves. And anyone who loves animals can’t be all that bad. Right? If you are feeling like you might need some human partner tips, we wrote about that too.
Pets keep you present.
Wanna be more in the moment? Maybe you don’t need a meditation mantra. Maybe you need an animal. Animals don’t care what happened yesterday, and they don’t worry about tomorrow. Their motivations and needs are simple — food, play, love, sleep (and maybe a squirrel to chase every now and then). Spend time just watching your pet exist, and you’ll find your anxieties melt away. Besides pets we have more stress-busting tips for you.
Any pet peeves?
Sure, from time to time, pet parenthood can cause headaches. When it does, Pet ParentSM coverage from Toggle® can help clean up the mess.
Coverage includes up to $100,000 for injury caused by your pets to another person (other than you or another insured), no matter where in the world it happens. It also covers up to $500 in pet boarding costs if a covered loss or damage makes your residence temporarily unfit to live in. We’ll cover up to $500 for damage to your residence caused by your pet over and above your security deposit. And we’ll cover up to $500 for the veterinary care if your pet is injured as a result of a covered loss to property (in select states). If you are having some insurance questions right now, we might have some answers: check it out.
Worried your dog’s breed won’t be covered by insurance? Don’t be. Unlike other insurance providers, we’re equal-opportunity animal lovers. As long as your furry (or scaly, feathery, hairy or hairless) friend doesn’t have a rap sheet, they’re welcome to the Toggle family.
In conclusion, get a pet. And get Pet ParentSM from Toggle. No need to thank us.
Now that you're an expert on pet parenting, check out this blog on how to get the most out of your rental.