Creators gonna create. Makers gonna make.

Woman Putting on Mask - Toggle Creative Maker Insurance CoveragePhoto by Chris Ralston on Unsplash

Are you the type of person whose apartment is filled with crafty things? You know, a creator, a maker, someone with a passion for ideas, art, music, carpentry, building butter-spreading robots — or other things that didn’t exist before you thought them up? Well, if you are, you’ve probably invested plenty in cameras or DJ tables or 3D printers or power tools or musical instruments or other things you need to create your stuff. It’s a huge part of your life. And there are a lot of creative types these days. So we opened up our craft kit and got down to the business of creating a coverage option to help creative people free their mind to focus on their passions.

DJ Board - Toggle Creative Maker Insurance CoveragePhoto by Ryoji Hayasaka on Unsplash

Coverage for creatives and makers, created by us.

If you know Toggle®, you know that we’re all about coloring outside the lines when it comes to creating apartment insurance coverage options that work for the modern world. We brainstorm! We mind map! We’re the creative makers of the insurance world! We do things to help you protect what you care about no matter how crazy it seems to less progressive renters insurance companies. (Don’t all great ideas seem a little crazy at first?) So, we’re excited to offer Creative + Maker coverage. How excited? Hang-it-on-the-fridge excited. Just put the finishing touches on the Sistine Chapel excited. Unlocked the genetic sequence of velociraptors and opened a theme park excited. Okay, that last one might be a stretch. But if you’re a creative or maker or both, you know the feeling when things come out better than you ever imagined.

Artistic Drawing of a CityPhoto by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Could Creative + Maker insurance cover the gear that goes into building a polka-dotted robotic one-woman band?

Hmm…very interesting question. It’s clear you’re creative. And we would have to say that the answer would probably be a yes! Because the list of stuff you can cover with Creative + Maker coverage is frankly awesomeSo, if you use something to make stuff with, invent the next big thing, art up your next masterpiece or make some sweet, sweet music, this coverage can help you protect the tools of your creative pursuits. Oh, you want examples of those things. Check out this long run-on sentence hot out of the kiln. (Deep Breath) Cameras, lenses, film or recording media, tripods, carrying cases, 3D printers, laser cutters or engravers, projection equipment like movie, overhead, slide, or multimedia projectors, portable sound equipment related to the recording, projection, reproduction, or operation of motion or still pictures, musical instruments and their carrying cases, DJ equipment, arts and crafts1 supplies, drawing supplies, hand or power tools and their related equipment and accessories.

Person Looking at Projection that Says, “Production Apollon Pictures” Photo by Pim Chu on Unsplash

Do creative tools have legs: an investigation.

So a lot of stuff on that list has a nasty habit of walking away the second we turn our backs. We’ve all been there. A victim of a case of supremely sticky fingers. Either way, replacing some of the pricier investments in your creative side is something you don’t want to even think about. So, let’s help put your mind at ease. Creative + Maker coverage can help cover your creative stuff in the event of accidental damage AND in the event of *extremely spooky voice* mysterious disappearances. So in the event creative tools DO have legs, considering this coverage is a good idea.

Guitar Being Crafted - Toggle Renters Insurance Photo by Johanna Buguet on Unsplash

DIY insurance for DIY doers.

Look, you’re reading our blog. You made it this far. We know you have the savvy to sign up for our extremely simple, fast, online e-renters insurance and adjust your coverage to fit the life you want to lead. You have more raw DIY talent in a single pinkie than it takes to do this. You can even go the advanced route and Toggle on High Value Items for any of your super cool creative tools that cost over $3,000. And if your creative pursuits change up, you can adjust your coverage from your phone or computer anywhere, anytime. It’s probably the easiest project you’ll do this week.

Made for hobbies before they become hustles.

In the interest of radical transparency, we want to make it really obvious that this coverage is made to help you protect the things that you use to create and make that don’t make you money. If you’re turning out crafts to make some money on the side or plan on doing that, you’re looking for Side Hustle® to cover the tools of your side trade. It helps cover the business end of the tools we talked about. Plus almost anything that doesn’t involve a car or vehicle is fair game (those are game, too, if you get Side Hustle Auto).

Guy Playing Piano - Toggle Insurance Side Hustle CoveragePhoto by Soundtrap on Unsplash

Set your brain free to create freely.

We know every big idea starts small. Like turning your crochet hobby into a quilt obsession. At Toggle we’re never going to judge your creative pursuits. Who knows where the next great idea or song or work of art will come from? As long as there are people out there creating and making, there’s never going to be a shortage of cool new things in the world. So do your brain a favor and cover your most important, makey stuff with extra Creative + Maker coverage. Then you’ll be free to create freely instead of being preoccupied with what happens if you have to replace your stuff. We can’t wait to see what you make. 

Woman Sewing - Toggle Insurance Creative + Maker CoveragePhoto by lucas Favre on Unsplash

To learn more about how Toggle helps you adult better, check out this blog.

1 Links to third-party websites are provided for your convenience only. Toggle has not independently verified any of the information provided therein and makes no representations about the enduring accuracy of such information or any content.


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